


Instantly transfer dollars across blockchains with the lowest fees through El Dorado Swaps. MEV protection included.

Backed by the best

multicoin capital
coinbase ventures
berkeley skydeck
awesome people ventures

This is what we offer

Cross-chain stablecoin swaps

Swap stablecoins across the Base, Polygon and Tron blockchains. Want to see more chains? Sign up for the waitlist.

Capital efficiency

Forget liquidity pools or locking up funds. We introduce cross-chain intent-based P2P solvers so you remain in control of your money.


Easily move money between EVM and non-EVM blockchains. Our system allows for seamless swaps while abstracting the routing process. 

Stablecoins are the present and future of money. El Dorado Swaps is the interoperability hub.

Experience cross-chain stablecoin swaps as never before. With El Dorado Swaps, your money is one click away from your destination blockchain. Use your favorite self-custodial wallet to connect with our protocol and explore arbitrage opportunities for liquidity providers.

Do you want to use El Dorado Swaps?

We are working hard to develop next generation cross-chain P2P stablecoin-to-stablecoin exchange. Join our waitlist to be the first notified when our BETA is launched.


What is El Dorado Swaps?
Its safe Use El Dorado Swaps?
What are the fees for using El Dorado Swaps?
Which blockchains does El Dorado Swaps support?
Can I cancel a transaction once initiated?
How is Liquidity managed in El Dorado Swaps?
What advantages does El Dorado offers compared to other Bridges?

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